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University of Western States
Portland, Oregon

A University Dedicated to the Art of Health and Science


Welcome to University of Western States! Since 1904, our institution has been a worldwide leader in the education of health care professionals. We are pleased that you have chosen to be a part of our community.

From our world-renowned doctor of chiropractic degree program, to our massage therapy certification program, master’s degree programs in exercise and sports sciencediagnostic imaging and human nutrition and functional medicine and continuing education offerings, our evidence-informed curricula are solid and progressive.

We incorporate the most current scientific studies with core clinical education, integrating basic and clinical sciences with the art of providing compassionate and competent health care services.

Our students consistently demonstrate academic distinction, exceptional service to their professions, and provide the highest quality health care. UWS is proud of the leadership and rich heritage we contribute to enhancing health and wellness.

The future of health care will focus on integrating disciplines, preparing competent professionals, providing effective care, and promoting health and wellness. UWS graduates exemplify the skills and attributes necessary to meet our individual and collective responsibilities to society.

I know that in electing to share the UWS vision, you’ve made the best choice available in integrative health care education. I wish you the best as you pursue your dreams and achieve your personal vision.

Joseph Brimhall, DC, FICC

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